Monday, September 24, 2012

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Diana Magnani
September 24, 2012
Professor Middleton

Taking Matters into Your Hands

        The impact and influence Dr. Martin Luther King Jr has had on this nation, and the world, is definitely undeniably large. He is, in my opinion, the most influential person in America's history. One of his more controversial philosophies is that we, as American citizens, should break any and all laws that are unjust. I firmly believe this philosophy to be true. We should feel free to openly protest and break laws that are factually unjust. 
       Dr. King said on multiple occasions that he is not a man to break any law he pleases. In fact, he believes that it is our responsibility and our right to live by the laws we deem just.  However, he does say that if there is a law that is unjust, we should break the law and take any and all consequences with a smile on our faces. How can it be morally right to break a law? The answer is simple. "A law in manmade code that squares with the moral law or the law of God (219)." If the law is unjust, that is, if the law is not in alignment with the natural law of mankind, it should not be a law and should not be respected as such.  I believe everyone should partake in this practice. In fact, I believe that it is our responsibility, as Americans, to stand up for what is right.   After all, we are a government intended to be for the people by the people.  Our founding fathers crafted the Constitution in such as way that our right to revolt against an oppressive, unjust government is absolutely clear.  Therefore, we as citizens should most definitely exercise our right to revolt against the government. 

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